Graduation Requirements
Falcon Zone Graduation Requirements
In addition to the specific requirements incorporated in IKF-R, students must successfully complete a course on the civil government of the United States and the state of Colorado, and by July 2023 a course that includes Genocide and Holocaust studies as a condition of high school graduation.
In order to grant a diploma, zones and schools must verify that a student has demonstrated mastery in the following content areas: Essential Skills
The Superintendent and Zone Superintendents shall collaborate with secondary school administrators and teachers to develop a menu of methods by which students may demonstrate mastery in Reading, Writing/ Communicating, and Mathematics of the Colorado Academic Standards along with obtaining the required number of credits as set forth in the table below.
D49 students must successfully complete 24.5 credits and demonstrate, mastery in ELA and Math to earn a high school diploma. The Superintendent may assign credit for college level scores on standardized tests. The Superintendent may assign credit for participation in athletics, marching band, theater productions, or similar activities that occur outside of regular school hours over an extended period of time. Requirements listed above are the minimum required for graduation from District 49. Students intending to attend College and/ or participate in NCAA sanctioned activities will be required to construct a plan with their High School Guidance Counselor to complete additional credits within the above areas of essential skill. Where applicable, district leaders may collaborate with other districts or BOCES to submit rigorous and standards-based assessments for endorsement by the Colorado Department of Education. |
Content Area | Credits |
4.0 |
Social Studies | 4.0 |
*Chemistry required |
4.0 |
*Geometry and Algebra II required |
4.0 |
Foreign Language
*Two years of the same language required |
2.0 |
Fine Arts | 1.0 |
Physical Education | 1.0 |
Health | 0.5 |
Elective Credits | 6.0 |
Total: | 26.5 |
District 49 grants a diploma to students who earn the equivalent of a minimum of 24.5 credits and demonstrate mastery in English and Mathematics. The following table establishes the baseline expectations for demonstrations of mastery in English and Mathematics toward high school graduation.
Students seeking admission to Colorado four-year colleges and universities should reference at minimum the Higher Education Admissions Requirements (HEAR) in collaboration with the preferred institution of higher education.
Students who attain a score of 1000 or better on the SAT, will receive .5 electives credit. Students may be awarded weighted GPA based SAT scoring:
Students scoring 1000-1150 will earn a Proficient score with .5 general elective credit on a 4.0 scale.
Students scoring 1151- 1299 will earn an Advanced score with .5 general elective credit on a 4.5 scale
Students scoring 1300 and above will earn an Advanced Proficient score with .5 general elective credit on a 5.0 scale
Students may earn .5 credit per school year (maximum of 1 total credit over 4 years) in Fine Arts or Electives for Participation in marching band or similar after school production (musical).
Students may earn .5 credit per school year (maximum of 1 total credit over 4 years) in Physical Education or Electives for participation in athletics.
Approved Mastery Demonstrations:
Examinations |
Capstones |
College-Level Course Work |
Workforce Certification |
Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 62 or 70 on Sentence Skills |
Approved Capstone Project |
Completion of English (100 level or higher) course work with passing grade of C or higher.
Approved Workforce Certificate |
Next Generation Accuplacer 241 on reading or 236 on writing |
ACT English 18 |
AP Exams 2 or higher (English, AP exams demonstrate mastery, other AP exams may demonstrate mastery.) |
ACT WorkKeys Bronze or higher |
SAT 470 on English |
IB Exams 4 or higher |
ASVAB English |
Examinations |
Capstones |
College-Level Course Work |
Workforce Certification |
Accuplacer Elementary Algebra 61 |
Approved Capstone Project |
Completion of Mathematics (100 level or higher) course with passing grade of C or higher or successful completion of the prerequisite directly prior to a credit-bearing course with a passing grade of C or higher (i.e. MAT050 or MAT055).
Approved Workforce Certificate |
Next Generation Accuplacer 255 on Arithmetic (AR) or 230 on Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics (QAS) |
ACT Math 19 |
AP Exams 2 or higher |
ACT WorkKeys Bronze or higher |
SAT Math 500 |
IB Exams 4 or higher |
ASVAB 31 |
Contingent upon the approval of a counselor and the principal, independent study, work experience, and other experience-based programs that include an outline of academic standards to be monitored by a faculty member, may qualify for credit through completion of a Capstone presentation, or Workforce Certificate.
Students may earn credit for high school course-work completed during middle school if the principal or designee determines that the course rigor and content is identical and the student demonstrates competency of course requirements by earning a C or higher on the high school course final exam.
The transcript posting will indicate the actual activity participated in during the semester / trimester (ie. Academic Coursework, Capstone Project, College-Level Coursework or Workforce Certification.)
Final decisions will be determined by the building principal.