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Student Council Overview

Student Council Overview

Student councils offer a representative structure for students, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

Student council or Student body is a curricular or extracurricular activity for students within elementary and secondary schools around the world. Present in most public and private K-12 school systems across the United States, these bodies are alternatively entitled student council, student government, Associated Student Body, Student Activity Council, or Student Council Association. Student councils often serve to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership, as originally espoused by John Dewey in Democracy and Education (1917).

The student council helps share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school principals. They often also help raise funds for schoolwide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform. For example most schools do food drives, fundraisers and parties. Many members learn skills that were an extension of their formal education.

National Association of Student Councils

Established in 1931, the National Association of Student Councils is the leading organization for excellence in middle level and high school student councils. NASC provides student councils and their advisers with the knowledge, skills, and resources that students need to become active, engaged leaders in their schools and communities.